ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

October 18, 2010


salam semua.....
(menarik nafas dalam2~seperti mahu memulakan kelas yoga... ops.. yoga diharamkan kan?kan? if, ak tkpnah pon tau yoga tu cmne.. okla, tarik nafas dlm2 mcm nk warm up before jog..hehe..)

ape motip tarik napas dalam2??
pasal entry ni ade unsur2 amarah dn ketidakpuashatian, maka, saya tahu nnti org akn ckp.. ilek2.. tarik napas bfore that, i dlu yg nk tarik napas dlm2 so that u ols tau i ni masih dlm kewarasan ye....

i bukan nak memulakan gender war

mmg tak adil kalau i ckap "semua lelaki sama shj" (dan nnti ade yg mmbentak2 lalu marah2 i dn berkata : hey nokk...i lain tau.. jantan semua tak sama... i ni sensitif sikit..x mcm jantan laen nokk) - ye, dialog ini mcm pernah ku dgr tapi di mana ya... hakhak..

tapi, secara naturally, common nya, mereka sama... same label.. (ye la, dah laki xkan nak label perempuan kot ..ko ni, blaja je tinggi2 tingkat 4 sekolah smpai gayat2~)

"sudahlah awak....reda kejap marah tu"
"sudahlah awak, lek la ... chillax~" (klau pkwe ak ckp gini mmg ak lempang)
"esok kita bincang depan2..sudah lah tu"

what did they meant by "sudahlah" ????
what did i get is... actually

1. they ask for some time, to ease our (women) feels yg tadi membuak2 membara2 dek hasutan syaitan...
2. so that the next time when both see each other... the women is no longer mad as before and easier for the men to urge
3. and then... what the women really mad for is just flown away like ashes.. (eh, ashes fly kah???)

so sad kan???
sometimes, we wonder.. do they get what we meant?? do they really understand us? do they realize how important we said that thing before? do they know how angry we were?? or they just dont and pretending they do so ?????


Ummu~Ishak said...

lelaki adalah begitu

begitulah lelaki

Lyndha said...

ish ish ish..seb bek aku pompuan nyahz...tak kose i tau....