ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

October 31, 2010

no wonder felt so dizzy n sleeeeepyyyy.....
memang kurg tido.. smlm pun tido lewat.. eh, tapi aku bgn lewat gak??
kira2 aku tido 7jam.. (ehhh??tu ko kata xckup tidoooo?????!!)
tapi seresly ngntukkk lesuuu je harini.. (walau telah disumbat nescafe bergelen2)
and after my parents out to kuala kelawang (rutin mingguan : Ahad pergi tgk adek lelaki saya dkt hostel)
i pun godek2 blood pressure tester kt atas meja (kt umah mmg ada coz my mom kdg2 darah tinggi, kdg2 rendah, kdg2 tau2 da terbaring.. yela, parents duk berdua je dgn adik bongsu saya. so amik precaution, blood tester utk kandungan sugar pun ada... dah bese dah kitaorg godek2 cek2 blood pressure n gula..hehehe)
tunggu derg keluar baru nk test..heheh.. yela, mane tau tinggi ke... bising plak mama.. muda2 darah tinggi, itula..mentekodarah ajoo kojo ekau..makan..makan..makan..
tapi, hari ni unexpectedly and surprisingly hypo plak...
test 1 = 95/68, test 2=98/78, test 3= 92/72
omakkkk aii.. tokojut eden.. apo kono tetibo darah den rondah neh?
ese dah terlobih tido ko apo....
nmpak gayanya kene tido awal mlm neh.. hehe.. esok ade misi penting,. kene sehat2kan diri pagi2.... misi apa agaknya?? jengjenggjengg...........
p.s ingantuklagilapulak : eden nieh namo ajo duduk nogori, tapi ese bukan orang nogori.. jadinya, ese tak pandai "speaking" nogori. sikit2 taula.... tapi, ese memang org jawa... hehehe

1 comment:

Ummu~Ishak said...

hish.. kena jaga2 tu erna.rendah sgt tu