today's evening was spent on the road,in a distance about 10km. . ..
alone for a whole one hour. . . . . . . . .
a m a z i n g. . . . . . . .
ini semua gara2 projek KeTTha depan KFC dkt k9 yg xsiap2...
saya rasa sampai graduation pun xsiap lagi kowt....
mmg i planned (last minute) nak ke midvalley after lect....
FYI, my 2 roomates hv gone already for their "Life as we know it" ...
so, as they still exist there i decided to join mereka together2 la...
then i got call from azai, asking me to be there quickly. . .
"kami x boleh masuk xde J-card, jadi, we need u!"
when i reached there,
hell yes it was.......apakah. . . . .
entrace to Jusco was packed with peoples, those yg xde JCard xleh masuk, or need to make new one dkat counter yg already diletak nearest the entrance...
i've no idea about it coz never been on J-card's day......
so,the whole walk inside JJ i was like "oOoo.. mcm nie ke J-card day neh..." sambil lurking around like cute budak kcik..yess..i am cute... (so what i don't care ko x setuju dgn aku...ahaks!)
for me, they did it bcause to raise the J-card usage n user for their own profit..
but for me, Jusco yg selama ini established dgn customer-friendly mereka tu, mcm x kena plak..
they need to make it systematic for customers' comfort.
entrance was so small, and there's one way on the left side for entrance, and one way on the other for exit.. (and sometimes u heard some guard or makcik cashier nih terjerit2 "xcuse mah!kennot enter here...kennot exit from here..go there..there..!!") what da....
tapi, they still x rugi pown limit kan customer on that day... people still penuh and we've experienced as a canned sardines.. yesss!!

kad jusco ..xtau pe motif tunjuk....gmbar pasport 2 tu abaikan je ye..tu mr.b FYI..uhuksss
. . . and i still the regular customer of J.J...from the day i make my first step at Nagaoka's Jusco. . .
p/s. iloveyouandfeeltiredtoday : missing my good old days, spending time at Jusco at nagaoka and lepak2 ofkoz wif Nyahzz dekat coffe house, gossippingggggg~~lalalalala
nyahz...aku pun rindu moment kite buang masa dan duit lepak2 kat coffee house kn?kn? ish...if i could turn back the hands of time...sigh!
aku pon...rindu ko banje aku..ahaks!!
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