hurrmm...lately aku bnyk dirundung masalah..problems..problems..troubling troubles...betul aa kate minah Lenka tuh..."trouble is a friend..haihss..adakah ini akibat selalu sngt memainkn lagu Lenka urg ckp mende cakap 40kali jadik betulla gamaknye.hah..yerla kowt psl ak ske sgt psg lagu tuh dlm phone smbil men lgu tuh mmng besh..
im good with my probs which i did it myself..but im not good if a trouble happens, cause by other than my real self..owh i hate that much! i can't control myself when others try to ruin my controlled they thought they could control mine?? hell no is the answer.....
im pity with myself...ayat yg plg ak susah nk admit..kesian pd diri sendiri??korg msti tk suke gak kan??but that's what happening here...i had to..feeling pity for myself is one in the "last-thing-on-earth -that i would do"-list..maybe on the first.....
tak brape phm knpe ade pihak yg cuba utk mnggugat hidup kita?adakah sbb balas dendam? atau hobi mereka mmng cmtu?if that so..patutla dunia tkprnah aman....patutla wjudnya si detektif cam pkcik Holmes nih yg brtugas utk mnyelesaikn misteri/probs even mslah rumah tanggga...aiyooo...buleh tak ak nak si Holmes ni tlg selesaikn msalah aku?never..sbb,ak kna selesaiknnya sendiri (wlaupun ak tgh tersgt2 benci sbb msalah ini dtg dr pihak lain)...tapi ada satu cara si Holmes nih leh settlekn prob aku....
yeah...oleh krana aku tensi,jd ak pon merelakn diri aku spend masa utk tgk cite Sherlock Holmes nih..mmg beshh!!..tremendously awesome..!!..tau x citer nih 2hrs 8mins tp aku rase mcm baru xsmpi stgh jm tgk bile time scene climax muncul...bile tgk jam hphone,aku agk trkjut bile hmpir 2jam cter tuh dah aku rse cm kejap je...

so far,what did i get,what did i earn,what did i both character is just as same as Disney's Pirates of The Carebbean's Jack Sparrow and William Turner...crazy but amazing...with low-tech picture i command myself to bow for Guy Ritchie..

u guys watch it la..xnk spoil lak meleret2 xplain psl citer nih..p yg ak tau besh.eventhou jln citer die ade mnyimpang skeyt dr the real novel about Holmes (ak xbaca pn,p yg aku tau dr citer2 psl Holmes yg kua time ak bca komik Conan dlu).yg pstinya aku rasa ak tau there will be Sherlock Holmes 2 (cheh..pkai deduction sndiri kunun)...
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