ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

December 31, 2009

song of the year....

n the title goes to............

21 guns

Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

this's the song's lyrics...act, there were couples of nominees.....
1. Paramore - Brick by Boring Brick
2. Linkin Park - New Divide
3. Kate Voegele - 99 Times....

but i thought of choosing greenday's..last minute of act..jz bcoz i'd got the guitar chords n extremely gradually can manage to play it...n i decided to have this song for coming Feseni '10 insyaAllah..(n of koz had to tune up the pitch)
once in a blue moon

post ini adalah tntg 'bulan' which is i'll expand it later...
but for mukaddimah aku nk story about 'bumi' dulu...
eh,wait..bukan aku nk bercerita psl geografi bumi ke,proses bumi ke...but the unpredictable n unbelievable story that i did sit for a geology class, "Proses-Proses Permukaan Bumi". (yer..aku tau...takperlu wat muke terkejut tuh...)
aduh..cmner le nih.i was not intended to register for the class tapi kursus luar jabatan laen da pnuh plak.patutnye elakkan amek subjek Geo/Bio/Fizik..sbb that's 3 damn killer major that i hate the most...ahaks!!Maths plak often clashes with Chemistry subjects.tgk lect mcm okay but a lil bit bored(plus klas kul 8pg..mane tak ngntuk!!!)
..i'll give it a try for this week n if it gradually will birth butterfly in my perut..then i'll flush it away...( senonoh ayat..tkbaek tul)

okey then, we'll start the story mori about moon..well,with loads of time spending in front of lappy lately,i recently often read news from internet..(whoa~apakah...) n suddenly a link that appeared(act,popped out) while i was surfing ape mende ntah...x ingat..huhuhu

a full moon yer adek2

found that this new year eve (night before newyear) is going to be "once in a blue moon" which is a real "blue moon" is going to come out...why it was called a blue moon?bcoz, last awal Disember dah ade full moon n this 31st Dec akan muncul lagi full moon which will make Dec 2009 is a month that has 2 full month in it.bukannye bulan itu berwarna biru ye adek2,kawan2...this occurs only 2.5years once..a rare phenomenon...
so that explains the idioms "once in a blue moon"

yerla,bukanke Jumaat malam sabtu nih 15 Muharram kan?so it'll be a full moon lah...tapi the news said it'll only visible pd mlm newyear around Europe.kat sini malam 2 January 2010 lah....(sbb Malaysia kat East kn..)
is someone going to book a flight ticket for me for Europe??? :P (glancing..)huhuhuh...

anyway,ape pun yg bakal berlaku ataupun tak akan berlaku...aku akan tetap tunggu new year nih..bukan utk celebrate...tapi utk muhasabbah diri, mengimbau ape yg telah berlaku, memperbetulkan,membaik-pulih (cam mekanik plak) dan menambah ape yang perlu..
yg penting,aku dah ade list utk ape mende2 kat atas yg perlu aku kawan2... ape azam tahun baru kita??bukan menyambung azam tahun lepas ye..huhuhh..

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2010
Happy New Year 2010
Akemashite Omedetou 2010
Xin Nian Hao 2010
Bonne année 2010 عام سعيد 2010

December 28, 2009

my troubled holmes

hurrmm...lately aku bnyk dirundung masalah..problems..problems..troubling troubles...betul aa kate minah Lenka tuh..."trouble is a friend..haihss..adakah ini akibat selalu sngt memainkn lagu Lenka
urg ckp mende cakap 40kali jadik betulla gamaknye.hah..yerla kowt psl ak ske sgt psg lagu tuh dlm phone smbil men lgu tuh mmng besh..

im good with my probs which i did it myself..but im not good if a trouble happens, cause by other than my real self..owh i hate that much! i can't control myself when others try to ruin my controlled they thought they could control mine?? hell no is the answer.....
im pity with myself...ayat yg plg ak susah nk admit..kesian pd diri sendiri??korg msti tk suke gak kan??but that's what happening here...i had to..feeling pity for myself is one in the "last-thing-on-earth -that i would do"-list..maybe on the first.....

tak brape phm knpe ade pihak yg cuba utk mnggugat hidup kita?adakah sbb balas dendam? atau hobi mereka mmng cmtu?if that so..patutla dunia tkprnah aman....patutla wjudnya si detektif cam pkcik Holmes nih yg brtugas utk mnyelesaikn misteri/probs even mslah rumah tanggga...aiyooo...buleh tak ak nak si Holmes ni tlg selesaikn msalah aku?never..sbb,ak kna selesaiknnya sendiri (wlaupun ak tgh tersgt2 benci sbb msalah ini dtg dr pihak lain)...tapi ada satu cara si Holmes nih leh settlekn prob aku....

yeah...oleh krana aku
tensi,jd ak pon merelakn diri aku spend masa utk tgk cite Sherlock Holmes nih..mmg beshh!!..tremendously awesome..!!..tau x citer nih 2hrs 8mins tp aku rase mcm baru xsmpi stgh jm tgk bile time scene climax muncul...bile tgk jam hphone,aku agk trkjut bile hmpir 2jam cter tuh dah aku rse cm kejap je...

so far,what did i get,what did i earn,what did i both character is just as same as Disney's Pirates of The Carebbean's Jack Sparrow and William Turner...crazy but amazing...with low-tech picture i command myself to bow for Guy Ritchie..

u guys watch it la..xnk spoil lak meleret2 xplain psl citer nih..p yg ak tau besh.eventhou jln citer die ade mnyimpang skeyt dr the real novel about Holmes (ak xbaca pn,p yg aku tau dr citer2 psl Holmes yg kua time ak bca komik Conan dlu).yg pstinya aku rasa ak tau there will be Sherlock Holmes 2 (cheh..pkai deduction sndiri kunun)...

December 23, 2009

....unLovabLe LoVe....

sem break is going for its end..'nther 5days..n i am stucked at my college with the Feseni camp n thank God this thing's oso gonna end up's not that im tired wif it in fact,i dun hav much work n task for this camp but tired of being mobiled-numb with not so much to do.
i can pretty clarify that my life is nothing great going on it..briefly restrained.. but wait till nex week when all my classes will be starting soon....
last days of 2009 also are going to faded...n we are heading for our new year, new life, n new things to do....i really2 hope that 2010 is gonna bring me to the roof where i can perfectly fix my broken life before.really2 wish for it...

speaking of newyear, i did some flashbacks n refreshed in my mind on how i love being in love with all the impossible-to be with-anime character/celebrities...(don't LOL on me!)
nick carter, conan's Shinichi, Gundam Wing's Trowa Barton & Heero, Yuyu Hakusho's Urameshi Yuuseuke & Kurama,owhhhh...

back-of-class's bookshelf,locker,desk...everywhere i could n legally placed the posters ( since i was in boarding school with some strict rules n ofkoz i hated those evntou i was a prefect..=P ) n now i am a bigger girl..holding couple of stories which i'v been in of it.falling in love in real life was more painful..sometimes we couldn't even know what did hurt or what did make us's juz popped out..the anger,the pain,the unsatisfied...we even did'nt know what we really wanted...
smtimes i did feel that, Shinichi is perfect..I rather fall in love with the frozen-fearless-responsless poster figure which i could stare 24/7,when i was really full with tears,when i was stressed....nonsense..nonsense...
nonsense erna..get back in reality...wake up..........