Actually dah lama nak post about this tapi asyek tertangguh2 je..
Last thursday, 27 November 2011... is a date to remember...
When I met such a wonderful baby..
Yes, she's so wonderful..(eh, I actually still don't know whether it's "she" or "
My friend - LindaNyah told me before she found a poor little kitten.. almost got hit by her car somewhere dekat highway from Cheras..
Because of she looked alike my lost Ontot, Linda ask me if I wanna keep her..
Firstly, I refused to as my mom didn't wanna adopt another kitten <--too sad for Ontot's missing..??yelah tuu....
Then , Linda told me she couldn't afford to keep it, as she's already have 2 cats..and she's working..
So, I decided to adopt this little cutie :

okey...die memang suka buat mata stimm.......
The name "Hiro" I choosed. Taken from word "hirou" = pick up/kutip... as Hiro telah "dikutip" oleh Linda dekat tepi jalan...hehehe..
Pronounciation "hiro" also macam "hero"...
And I think Hiro is a Hero, fighting to survive..without her mom's protection..and she's still keeping herself alive..poor little baby...
Ok, I said xsure lagi "she" or "he"...coz Linda cakap dia jantan, tapi my mom kata kalau angkat dia, then die naekkan ekor tutup kemaluan dia tu betina..sbb Hiro tutup ...malu ler tuuuu..hehe..
So I decided,
kalau jantan, fullname - Hiroto
kalau betina, fullname - Hiromi .............................. er.... leh x ??
Hiro is not the replacement of Ontot... never.. malah Hiro will be told about the story of Ontot..
Yangpenting, I nak bagi Hiro makan banyak-banyak-banyak biar gemuk sampai jadik macam kucing Linda :
Amekkkawwwwww...gemukkkkk.. gerrammmgerammmmmmm~~~ aku nak ni Linda xbagi... ahaks...gila nak culik kuceng kesayangan die... tapi manje mengada2 gedik tahan cipan...ahaks!
dulu saye ade kucing hitam putih mcm hero tu jugak, tapi dia dah mati, huhuhhhh...
alahai... kesiannya... sedih kan kalau dah sayang sgt..
uihh...hensemnye kucing yg dlm gamba last tuh...pandai tuan die groom die ekk. encem sgt. musti kembang hidung miki nih kalo tau...
p/s : pepandai je ko nk culik kucing aku ekk...pls dont take him away from me, dialah yg rajin lyn lawak sengal aku dikala aku kesewelan...lalalala~
aku tak setuju nama hiroto...x macho.
erm eniwei...hiro pun dh xda. Tuhan lebih syg kn dia...
Nnti kalo aku jumpe lagi kat tepi jln...u'll be da first i call k..
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