being selfishly treated....
would it be a ticket for be to be selfish????
live on their own life...doesn't matter about the others...
"i have my own business...don't disturb me"
"this is my lane, what the hell am i thinking about others?"
"i was the one who get it first... others don't have any rights"
"go to hell with other people"
"we have to survive on our own...i have to do what i had to do... i don't care what's yours.."
so sick with all these kind of stoooooopiiiddddoo people....
belajar tinggi2 tapi sivik kosong !! rumah besar, kereta besar tapi akal letak bawah tanah...
itulah kehidupan ... lagi2 di tengah2 bandar nih...
do i have to be selfish too ????
i would if i could...
but i just can't....
coz i have to think about the others....
for self-built-in-fish people, i know when you thinking like this:
"if not me, who else going to think about myself?"
for self-built-in-fish people, i know when you thinking like this:
"if not me, who else going to think about myself?"
i was the one....
who tired of being the one who sacrificed....
anyway ppl, font japanese kat atas tu ialah wagamama = selfishness
anyway ppl, font japanese kat atas tu ialah wagamama = selfishness
rupanya jual ikan itu selfish.. hahhaa...
erk.what happen dear? macam marah kan someone...
hehe...adela time tu nk tanya something dkt org, p dgn selfishnye die leh ckp "i busy bnyk kerje, pegi tanya org lain"...nsib baek tk knal
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