regarding to my sticky post PERHATIAN above:
it was actually went like this :
i was at library when suddenly a SMS came in :
Tlong bgi topped up 50RM ke numbor baru ayah 0128115902
ayah ada mslah d balai police. sekejap ayah call blik.
from: +6285289826195
and i was like frozen for a while, shocked. . . . adala dlm 5 min camtu...
terkedu skjap dn muka mcm ala2 muka selenger adnan sempit tp kiyutt tu.. (i like shaheizy sam!)
mula taktau nk watpe, thinking that,
where the hell im gonna cash out rm50 right now?
what happened with my dad?
why he didn't directly ask help from my mom? is my mom also not okay??
and a bit teary eyes started to show up.. wuuuuuuu
seresly cuak kowt.!!. baca2 msg ckp ayah korg ada kat balai polis.. korang mesti cuak kan??kann?kan??
siap suh topup kan bagai, xkan tetiba ayah pokai kot??
suspicously, i called the number 012... x angkat
coz, the sms similarly with my dad's style. (eh, ingat ayah i x reti ke shortform2 neh.. dia lagi terrer tau!)
but , my dad was never mention 50RM !! obviously the person is not Malaysian.. kalau ayah i type, mestila RM50..pehal lak ayah nk type tunggang tebalik.tak pon 50ringgit ke..
then i called my dad....
waited for about 6 second until ...
"ayah, dekat mana?" terus cakap tanpa segan silu tak memberi salam.....
"ayah dekat ofis"
ALHAMDULILLAH... phewww...
and dad asked me, did i received that scam message coz he got it also a few minutes before...
ooo.. baru la tau, so it was a scam message.. i did try to call the number again but this time, it was never ring.. haa, takut la tu! siap ko kalau aku dpt mamat mana wat hal ngn aku ni, aku report polis! (hahaha..ingat aku berani ke nk belasah2 ni? dala kalau mamat indon, naya je aku pulak kene belasah)
so peeps, don't ever top up to that number..
make sure to call the person involve in the message, call anybody that seriously and closely related to them, family/officemates/classmates/roomates..
i think it came from somebody from Indonesia la, tengok kod negara dia +628 tu, sbb Malaysia +60 ... beware guys...
akak pun ada dpt sms camni. yg bestnye ayat dia ala2 indon, siap bahasakan diri 'bapak'. sejak bile tah akak ade bapak. cettt
masa dpt sms tu gelak tak hengat punya. sikit tak tergoda, haha
yela akak, kita mmng pnggil'ayah'... mmg cuak... style2 sms pun ade berbaur2 mcm ayah saya punya style, tk de ala2 indonla..
emm..ayah akak dah takde ke?huu..sori, tanya
uhh btol la +62 tu could be from indon and berkomplot dengan local? no? or local in indon dan berkomplot wit indon in m'sia? atau...malay mix indon dan berkomplot dengan indon mix malay? mana satu ekk?
ape ko ni nyahs...suka wat aku pening..hahaha..
aku pon ase komplot tu.. psal dia suh top up kt no 0128... kalau 8 tu no. borneo.. sabahan/sarawakian.. or the indons bought no. there....
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