ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

December 29, 2010

the ayunar

hye, halu to all of you peeps...

apparently, recent addictive wear : shawls have got so much creativity on the user
one of it : wearing of inner

and i found a superb lady that found a superb INNER AYUNAR

click the image to view her blogpage

the inners are unlike others :-
  • made by jersey-like material : make it easy to shape up like pointed around the forehead.
  • they came in 3 types : monotone ( 1color), 2tone and 3 tone
  • and they are reversible !!!
okay, i don't talk about it much if i hadn't wore it by myself :-

i bought reversible 2 tone - red + babyblue

left : i make the red one on the front, the grey one is another inner

right : the blue side is on the front which i made it as a monotone, with another inner at the back

the best part is, we can choose the color we desired and the price is depend on the tone.
so you can see the color pallets HERE

other than that, pretty much pretty shawls also available there..
okay, enough with that, i'm getting tired here... just look it for yourself, click down here peeps....enjoy~~

the thing that i s.i.n.d.i.a (swear never do it again)

salam all
hye.. remember on previous previous post that i mentioned i'm gonna tell you about a thing that i swore i won't do it again ....
well, the story went like this.... (eh, dh mcm flashback cerita drama plak)

so last weekend i was at Langkawi yawww!!! (hepi2 lumpat2 mcm katak!!ahaks!)
and it was the 20++ th time that i laid my tapak kaki,butt and everything else of me there...
actually, my dad had a meeting there so we selit2 menyebokkan diri bercuti bersama yawww!! (ape kejadahnya aku asek sbut 'yaww' neh...mcm rapper jerp)

cerita pasal perjalanan ke sana dan pulang,
vacation was my mom's last minute decision...
almost all the time on road i drove,
pergi dan pulang adalah pada pagi buta hari..
jadi adalah aku sangat2 mengantuk smpai beberapa kali terlelap lagi2 time balik...
beside was my sis Intan..yg kononnya nak ajdik co-driver padahal dia membuta je!!! geram gila!! so, bila geram dan mengantuk yg amat, apa aku buat?? aku ketuk2 kepala dia, paksa2 dia picit2 tangan aku yg dia buat selama 10 saat je lepas tu smbung tido!!!

memang xkan lagi aku buat dan jadi pengajaran buat aku sampai bila2...
kalau nak drive jauh2, aku akan pastikan aku akan rehat seckup2nya sebelum tu..
dan korang pun same jugak taww!!!!
pandu dengan berhemah, ingatlah saya orang yg korang sayang..ahaks!!
lagi2 kalau korang bwk org lain ke, pemandu bas, lori, komuter,monorail, etc...lrt??xpayah !! lrt xde driver weiyh!

dahla sekarang bnyak kes2 kemalangan jlnraya yg melibatkan bas. kebanyaknnya disebabkan kecuaian pemandu..
kalau drive kat highway pun, masyaAllah... aku bawak 110km/j pun bas 2 tingkat leh potong!!!

December 28, 2010


i'm back!! (amboi, eksaited mcm host rncangan kanak2 ke ape??..over tul)
nak hupdet sikit jerkk.. nak men"capub"kan diri (pronounciation ialah "cha" dan "pab" yerh.. maknanya "CArik PUBlisiti murahan" )

sila la tgk capture still video ini :

okeh, kalau rasa2 nak pekakkan telinga dgn suara sumbang , boley le kelik link MYViDEO
baru2 ini menjinak2 kan diri yg liar ini record video main guitar...

December 24, 2010

not much well

i've been in bed all day long yesterday, fighting with the terrible migraine that hit me..
it might be cause of lack of rest these recent days...

i was on a vacation with a body that did not immune to it and felt such a lame of myself !!

i hate being enviously looking the others enjoy Langkawi's vacation while i had to struggle forgetting the pain inside my head..
yes, i've been at Langkawi for past 3 days, but currently not having enough energy to update the stories..

and also, i have a story which i won't do the thing again i swear...

just an advice : for those who are on a vacation on road, be sure to have enough rest before you drive.. there's so much news about road accident these days...

December 17, 2010

p.i.p.i dan m.a.k.a.n

home sweet home.....
can turn to sour sometimes, when you can't help yourself from eating and munching !!!!!

kenapalah di rumah, saya x berhenti mengunyah...
sebab masakan mama lah selera saya bertambah2....

owhhh~~~~ diameter "spare tyre" dah makin bertambah....
sebelum seluar menjadi ketat..
sebelum saya menggunakan alasan " kain ni dah mengecut, buka saya yg makin gemuk"
adalah lebih baik kamu excercise wahai tuan punya badan...
tapi apa yang saya idamkan ialah pipi yg tembam..

wahai cik Lisa Surihani , sila lah sudi2kan dirimu menderma seb
ahagian pipi mu kepadaku... lalalala...

eko tengok tu.. bukan maen tombam laie pipi si lisa ni... buek laie muko camtu.. tobett gakk pipi die ni..geram cam teddy bear...

yang iye nye, dolu2 pipi i tembam gak... tapi iyolah, lihat lah transformasi2 pipiku dari dulu ke skrg... iskkk iskkk....sodih eden melihatnya...

ha... x prcaya ni saya??? saya pun x percaya...wahaha


haa... tengokla...sedih tak???sedih wa cakap lu... gila **** sedih...
mentang2 nk pipi lisa surihani, nak gak buat kontrobesi mcm lisa surihani????tteetttttt~~~

dan saya pun terus mengunyah,mengunyah dan menghadam segala benda di rumah ni..
ehh...tolong jgn ingat saya ni kambenk sakit pulakkkkkkkkkk... makan segala benda..

December 16, 2010

rough and tough

rough days ahead had passed by....
tough decision to make.. is waiting...

berdebar2 nya tunggu result exam...tatuuuttttttt~~~~...

time flown so fast...
holidays are 2 weeks left.....
last weekend was spent on vacation - Bukit Merah and Taiping worrrr

picsnap near Taiping Lake

is thinking what am i gonna do , while spending the holiday and making money.. any suggestion?? working is currently not a good idea as only got 2 weeks... no one want somebody to work for them onlyu for 2 weeks right??

December 2, 2010



regarding to my sticky post PERHATIAN above:
it was actually went like this :

i was at library when suddenly a SMS came in :

Tlong bgi topped up 50RM ke numbor baru ayah 0128115902
ayah ada mslah d balai police. sekejap ayah call blik.
from: +6285289826195

and i was like frozen for a while, shocked. . . . adala dlm 5 min camtu...
terkedu skjap dn muka mcm ala2 muka selenger adnan sempit tp kiyutt tu.. (i like shaheizy sam!)
mula taktau nk watpe, thinking that,
where the hell im gonna cash out rm50 right now?
what happened with my dad?

why he didn't directly ask help from my mom?
is my mom also not okay??

and a bit teary eyes started to show up.. wuuuuuuu
seresly cuak kowt.!!. baca2 msg ckp ayah korg ada kat balai polis.. korang mesti cuak kan??kann?kan??
siap suh topup kan bagai, xkan tetiba ayah pokai kot??
suspicously, i called the number 012... x angkat
coz, the sms similarly with my dad's style. (eh, ingat ayah i x reti ke shortform2 neh.. dia lagi terrer tau!)
but , my dad was never mention 50RM !! obviously the person is not Malaysian.. kalau ayah i type, mestila RM50..pehal lak ayah nk type tunggang tebalik.tak pon 50ringgit ke..
then i called my dad....
waited for about 6 second until ...

"ayah, dekat mana?" terus cakap tanpa segan silu tak memberi salam.....
"ayah dekat ofis"
ALHAMDULILLAH... phewww...

and dad asked me, did i received that scam message coz he got it also a few minutes before...
ooo.. baru la tau, so it was a scam message.. i did try to call the number again but this time, it was never ring.. haa, takut la tu! siap ko kalau aku dpt mamat mana wat hal ngn aku ni, aku report polis! (hahaha..ingat aku berani ke nk belasah2 ni? dala kalau mamat indon, naya je aku pulak kene belasah)

so peeps, don't ever top up to that number..
make sure to call the person involve in the message, call anybody that seriously and closely related to them, family/officemates/classmates/roomates..

i think it came from somebody from Indonesia la, tengok kod negara dia +628 tu, sbb Malaysia +60 ... beware guys...