ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

July 29, 2010

Lyn Dha Off...

Thanks to my 2 old fwen ..(well,one of it consider bekas junior...not really fwen wif him..ahaha..jangan mara Mr. Lobo lau hang baca)
With courtesy of them, my night had been spent with a lot of joy yg dh lama aku xjumpa...coz i miss u a lot Miss Nyahz!!

Tghri tu agak2 'mayou' gak nk kua or not cz aku mmng da pnatt wal afiat kt lab even bru kol 12 n merasakan bdan aku memaanggg x sedap...tapi oleh kerana aku rendu sgt kat sang Nyah ini...aku xkirekan demam aku..dan truss mlm tu menghenyak menerjah kereta baru sang Lobo......Ferio puteh tu...fewwittt...
sambil meneruskan prjalan ke mapley kt bangsar..(setelah pusing2 pening2 mmberi idea nk hangout kt ne..msg2 xd idea last2 lepak pelita bangsar jerk...sian nyah nk mkn kek....)

Not to forget Mr.Boyfriend oso joined us that night after his futsal 'session'..thanks Mr.B...
Agak naseb bek gk la Mr.Lobo ade..leh gk die selit2 borak wif my Mr.B as me n Nyah both couldn't stop blessing ourself with mouth-watering gossips while ignoring hell!!ahaks...

In d middle of the gossiping, there were 2 celebrities (couple) dtg lepak situ oso..and we were like this on the scene:
BLABLA NYAH+SI TUTT BLABLA + NYAH ,HE DID THAT??BLABLA +BLA.....(all f sudden.. silence at the moment while watching with glance of 'hujung mata' only = NORMANHAKim n MEMEY SEMEMEH walking into the mapley....n me wat muke kerut2 showing how geli i with them (owh..xbek sungguh) +BLABLA then SHE'S ACTING LIKE INNOCENT AND then I HATE NORMAN HAKIM +BLABLA....

Heh...! so tired of gossiping...
But i was so happy!puas hati even hny beberapa jam je spent time with u nyahs...i will really be missin u a lot! Nyahs...later another time lepak lagi taw!!!

Miss Nyahz n me time muda2, summer kat Japan..ktne pon haku x hengat da....Toyama kowt... gamba cilok dr frenster haku yg da berhabuk usang ...


Lyndha said...

nanti lepak lagi yukkk...uwaa best nyer! gagaga

cLovErX said...
