ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

July 15, 2009

aku di fac while waiting lect to start.....

baru ak prasann....

why..why life is unfair...????
who to blame??me?myself?

why'd on earth this thing happen in this right time???

i jz can't get it...plz tell me why...why...i dun wanna bother it but..stilll...goin on my mind...why???

why my page looks different on FireFox??!!!why2??kenapa font aku kaler len kat IE,laen kat FF??huh!!
kenapa font aku itam kat IE,p kat FF kaler "pink"?????aishh..adakah sbb ak post tru IE?

so guys..lemme tell u,my page is best viewed by IE oke....IE7...

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