It's been over 2 years after my last update. Oh, my... how time flies. Haven't been idle for this such time!
Yeah, maybe I was interrupted by a reason or two, or another, and then, days turned into weeks, turns into months, and might never be able to get back in the saddle.
And here I am, trying to get back my writing rhythm.
Alhamdulillah, Allah still grants me a life to share my updates here.
Over the past 2 years, a lot changed.
From a single bachelorette, now I am being a wife !! Alhamdulillah..since December 2012.
Honestly, whatever is happening surround, I was just like follow with the flow.
And now, I am on my path, learning my life as an obedient wife.
May Allah grants us with a blissful marriage, InsyaAllah...