Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera all..
Ogenki desuka??.eh eh..silap la, apa khabar semua..agak lama ketinggalan update blog ni sebab sangat2 la busy dengan several tasks yg tak berkenaan dengan urusan rasmi kerajaan, tapi sibuk mengalahkan Datin Seri Rosmah..
So, dah 3 weeks kita merayakan Syawal. I think it's not too late to wish you all Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and mohon maaf atas apa2 sahaja kesilapan secara sengaja atau tidak ...x lupa juga nak ucapkan kepada kaum Hawa di luar sana yang masih ada saki baki ganti puasa, Selamat Berpuasa 6..hehe den ado laie tercicir nie ha...
A few weeks berlalu, banyak perkara yang terjadi, ada suka, duka...tapi today i just wanna post about a sad story that just happpened 3 days incident that caught my eyes on tears everyday, every night...
My little tommie cat was missing... yes, he's not at home for 3 days...
The story went when on last Sunday before get ready to send my little brother to his hostel, i asked my neighbour Kak Dewi about Ontot.. she said Ontot was there in the morning when her kids fed him and after that, no tracks found..
So i thought he might be 'jalan-jalan' somewhere because Ontot is not a really 100% indoor cat. He was let to out freely for walks but he always will come back whenever he want, masa makan, or tidur etc.. Dia keluar utk main2 je atau utk lepak bawah kereta orang.. But the farthest he could go is about 100m away from my house.. so, apa2 pun kalau jalan2 carik die memang jumpalah, kat bawah kereta la, tepi pagar orang la..
Then, after sending my brother, we off to KLIA to send my father for his flight pulak. Bila balik rumah dalam pkul 10malam, still xnampak batang hidung. Tanya budak sebelah pun xnmpak. Selalunya kalau aku balik dia akan sambut, tapi tak malam ni....
Aku dah mula risau sebab dia tak pernah hilang lebih dari 12 jam..atleast dia akan balik utk makan...
And today, is the 3rd day since his missing...
Penat aku merayau carik sampai housing lain, kedai pet and klinik vet pun xde...
The day he was missing was a rainy day..tapi kalau hujan pon sebelom2 ni dia balik jugak...
Kalau kena langgar pun, xdela jumpa bangkai ke ape ke..
Some of my friends said maybe it was his maturity time.. to find 'aweks' or 'wife' untuk buat projek..hahaha..
Ada yang cerita ttg pengalaman derang hilang kucing jantan selama beberapa hari smpai 2 minggu but then pulanglah balik dg badan kusut masai n kurus x ckup makan...
Kalaulah Ontot pergi mencarik awek, aku harap dia dapatla pulang...
Tapi aku takut kalau ada org culik n kurung dia..kalau berdekatan, mungkin ada peluang kalau aku berusaha untuk terus mencari..tapi kalau dah orang bawak lari sampai jauh2??? kalau kidnappers tu rumah kat K.L ke?Perak ke?bwk nek flight gi Vietnam ke???????
If someone has kidnapped him and give the best and comfort shelter better than me, i wish that someday he'll let me know that he is happy...whatever the consequences, please let me know....

Dear Ontot ,
I will not giving up to find you.. wherever you are, i always pray that you are safe, and not suffer.. I hope that you still miss and remember us.. I'll be waiting for you... forever...