ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

April 15, 2009

kenapa sekarang baru nk muncul dlm idup aku..aku pn tkpaham kenapa....
tapi,yg aku tau..bnyk persoalan yg tk trjawab darinya..dan samada aku bakal mencari jawapan-jawapan persoalan itu atau tidak..aku masih tak tahu.kerana,setelah kian lama aku coba melenypkan kenangn lalu yg telah pudar,hnya kerana satu tindakan ku mlm td telah membuatku tak lena mmikirkannya kembali.aku tau aku tidak harus memikirkannya,tapi..kerana ini bagiku agaksatu kejutan,dan truss..ku tak henti-henti bertanyakan ungkaiannya dlm diri..
...dan akhirnya ku capai nota kuliah ku cuba untuk mengalihkan tumpuan...
..namun,pagi esoknya..masih lagi perkara itu dalam igauan ku...
dan sekarang aku tak kisah..aku mahu tumpuanku hanya pda exam yg bakal menjelang...

April 10, 2009

sHiKen da~~~

shiken (exam) is juz around the corner...whoaaa..( so wut the hell that i'm still here??) hehehe..c'mon la,gimme jz a few minutes to "merepek" here...heheehhe..

i'm so freaking out i can scratch a cat! (huh,pe peribahasa that i'm using?)..i think i get not enough time to prepare for exam!!!..struggle erna..struggle....!!!! gambare!!!!!!!!!!!

wanna see what my exam slip looked??? ;D

5subjects that is past already (practical)

kebenaran menduduki exam....this slip is necessary for me as it as a permit to allow me sitting for the exams..................

April 5, 2009


On 04-04-2009, there were held MPS2 at Sheraton Hotel, Subang Jaya... we been there by my petit cute Kelisa, 4 of us (me, azai, afa, & ela)..alongside with us on the dinner table was Sharel, Faizul, Fauzi (afa's nasyid junior) and Wan (Faizul's roomate)..Chinese cuisine were the meals........the theme was MERAH PUTIH WANGiAN KEdAMAiANright to left : afa, me, azai, ela

on the dining table..suffering with the empty stomach..

with ela

with afa

with shahrel

i jz love my shoes afterall..;D

with azai


heh..lastly i put my pic with the pose that i never do funny..i forgot wut the thing i steped in named but it attracted me n azai to pose on it....hahahahaha