ain't a fairytale. . . .

We live to learn, and learn to live.... Life is not a fairytale, nor a princess story... Even after thousand times been deceived.. The greatest point is where we able to stand up from fallen apart...

=d owner=

My photo
heart..starves as well as bodies..give us ROSES..give us bread..--and give me SALMON d most!!--

September 29, 2010

hence...the e.m.a.i.l ..

bnyk pulak i post hari ni ye...bls dendam kowt..huuu (hr ni cte psl email je)

well..i was quite in dissappointment today with someone nih.she's a worker in a well-known company..well,not so well-known as Petronas etc cmpany nih gempak gk psl yg kt Malaysia nih branch je..(it serves testing n qualification servings)
yg herannya, y'd on earth that everytime i emailed her,i had to call her to tell her that i emailed her????(kn dh tunggang terbalik ayat..geramm wehh!!)wut da tutttt is that??

bila i called nak mntak details, she asked me to email.bila i dah email...berjam2 x reply, then i called n i said "i did email u miss" n she replied "owh, y u didn't call me then told me that?"

e'eh....miss... lau cmtu xpyh la wjudnye email tuh...u keje kt cmpany ape yg xde line internet kt opis ke smpai i hav to inform so that u cn go to nearest cybercafe to reply ur email huh??

apa punya turr...free2 dpt cacimaki arini..free2 la i dpt dosa kutuk ko miss... dala email2 2 hari sudah pun jenuh tggu ko x reply2...mybe sbb aku email ko bkn sbb nk mtak keje ngn ko ke?? name je keje Human Resource p gaya communicate ngn human xmesra alam lgsung.. keje la kat non-human resource or alien-kind-resource or unidentified-flying-object resource....

mara btulll...


Ummu~Ishak said...

mmg sengal org2 camni.akak dulu penah gak keje bahagian HR ni,selalu kene berurusan ngan org luar.mmg sakit jiwa bila jumpa manusia2 sengal

cLovErX said...

haha...yeke kak.. ni saya sengal ke minah tu sengal..

Ummu~Ishak said...

maksud akak, bila selalu kena berurusan, kita jumpa byk jenis manusia.termasukla bila akak kne contact/call ke company lain (yg ada minah2 sengal)

erna tak sengal la.senget je kot sikit, hehe. (gurau2 k)

cLovErX said...

haha..saya sengett banyak akak..
akak tktau..hehehe